Envoyé Spécial, 2ème étape : Nabila

Souvenez-vous de Nabila, elle avait participé à la première phase de notre concours Envoyé Spécial et sa lettre avait tapé dans l’oeil de notre jury, la sélectionnant ainsi pour la 2ème étape. Elle partage donc avec nous aujourd’hui une vidéo pour vous convaincre, ainsi que notre équipe à Dublin, de la faire gagner un séjour de 2 semaines dans notre école en Irlande. Vous pourrez aussi lire ci-dessous la lettre qu’elle adresse à notre équipe dublinoise.

Si la candidature de Nabila est celle que vous soutenez, partagez cet article sur Facebook pour peut-être lui donner une voix d’avance !

[embed width="705" height="397"]http://youtu.be/ep3upH6RzhI[/embed]

Hi everybody !

First of all, I wanted to thank you because I've arrived at this step of the contest.
I had fun making this video, and I was thinking, what if I win... I've never been to Ireland so it would be such a really great experience for me ! A totally new good one.

Because Ireland sounds such a mysterious and peaceful destination with a rich culture and because of that, it is very attractive to discover, to learn about it, even to speak Irish (I hope so)
Like I said on the last step of this contest, I am really curious about their way of life, how this mix of authenticity and modernity is reflecting on their gastronomy, architecture, and language. Maybe it's the same for each country that we don't know, first we have some stereotypes, some pictures but finally being in the athmosphere of the country is totally different, more alive, that's why I'm contesting.

Furthermore I'm an adventurer one, I'm seizing the day and the idea of blogging and sharing everything you do during the trip is excellent, it's like it makes the people travel at the same time thanks to the pictures and the videos blogged, I'm really exciting about this. And thanks to that, if some people could be convinced to visit or studying in Dublin or in Ireland, it would be wonderful.

My bad, I'm posting late but I hope that my video and this letter will make you smile and will invite you to share it on facebook and for the jury to choose me for this incredible adventure.

Then thank you again and wish me good luck !
And maybe we will meet again ! ♣

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